EP128emu v2.0.7 has been released
Changes in version 2.0.7:
implemented IDE hard disk emulation, with support for up to 4 2 GB image files in raw or VHD format; a 126 MB disk image with 4 FAT12 formatted 31.5 MB partitions is also included for use with the emulator
more accurate Z80, video memory, and NICK I/O port timing; note that this change breaks demo compatibility with previous versions
improved NICK emulation: all possible video modes, including undocumented and “invalid” ones, are now emulated, and some bugs have been fixed as well
a 4-channel 8-bit external DAC is emulated at ports F0h to F3h
it is now possible to load and use epmemcfg format memory configuration files, which allow for avoiding the limitations of the GUI based memory configuration; the file format is documented in README
DAVE sound emulation fixes
the ‘motor on’ bit of WD177x is emulated (the RockDigi demo now runs)
on Windows, native file selection dialogs are also used in tapeedit.exe
machine configurations generated by makecfg automatically enable or disable the ‘virtual file I/O’ setting, depending on whether epfileio.rom is included
the debugger prints more detailed information about syntax and runtime errors in Lua scripts, and there is a new button to insert an empty breakpoint callback function
fixed interlace in single buffered OpenGL mode at quality=0
fixed compile error on Linux when building without SDL, or using old SCons or Lua versions
some other minor bug fixes, and optimizations